Alex Koceja

Raleigh, NC


  • UNC Chapel Hill
  • New York University (MFA)

As a child, Alex had many dreams. Maybe he’d be a pilot, or a Rockette, perhaps even one of those Disney characters you take photos with at the parks. His hopes were dashed when he finally topped out at 6’7” (200cm) – too tall for any of those noble professions. There was, however, one arena where his height was never a detractor. He found his calling in standardized testing.

For nearly a decade, Alex has applied his extended reach to boost students to new heights in the GMAT, LSAT, and SAT. His favorite part of the job is the opportunity to co-create a custom test prep path for students from all walks of life. Undergraduates, entrepreneurs, even full-time MDs – he loves finding a plan that works with their lifestyle.

Alex himself holds an MFA from NYU Tisch in Musical Theatre Writing. By embracing both the creative and the analytical, Alex has been able to develop a teaching style that balances rigor with flexibility, dedication with levity. He believes his role to be not only the content guru, but also a companion and co-pilot (no height limit here) as his students navigate the ever-changing landscape of the admissions process.

When he’s not teaching, you can find Alex demolishing the NY Times crossword, DMing his latest D&D campaign, wordsmithing lyrics for his current musical theatre project, or recording the (long awaited, highly anticipated) next album from his pastiche band: Stretch and The Funk.