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Course Students
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Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:05 am


by meganbherman Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:33 pm

After meeting standardized tests with incredible amounts of failure and being pretty certain I would never get admitted into my desired top graduate school programs, I have to THANK Manhattan GRE for showing me I can succeed! I have tried all of the major review books and study guides and this course provided what I would consider the BEST instructors and review materials I have ever experienced.

I was hesitant about taking a class online but soon found that a GRE course is perfect for online learning--I was able to ask more questions through chat boxes, write on the screen to solve problems and not a second of class time was wasted. It was also incredibly convenient.

The instructors were incredible and they encouragingly guided me through countless questions and strategies to help me succeed. They would always go the extra mile to help me outside of class time--staying after class to answer questions and responding to my questions between class sessions.

The review materials are superb and honestly the most in-depth review books I have ever used. Every problem, every type of question, every topic is broken down with step-by-step solutions and strategies to help you master the exam. Honestly, hands down these books do not compare to any book you can buy in stores--they are fabulous!

After taking the exam I am proud to say that it helped me improve my overall GRE score by more than 400 points and my percentile ranking on both verbal and quantitative more than doubled! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Manhattan GRE for providing such a fabulous course!
Manhattan Prep Staff
Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:50 am


by jen Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:41 pm

Wow! Congratulations, Megan! Thanks so much for sharing this with us.