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Text Completion Guide - Vocab usage help

by fbmagnumopus Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:48 am


this sentence is from pg 208 in the text completions guide. I had a hard time wrapping my head around it.

Far from being atypically bawdy, this limerick is a paradigm of the form - nearly all of them rely on off-color jokes.

I saw a similar expression - 'paradigm of the form' in the paper based test. SO what form exactly are we talking about here and could you please help me break down this sentence?
Manhattan Prep Staff
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Re: Text Completion Guide - Vocab usage help

by tommywallach Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:58 am

Hey FB,

Far from X = The thing I'm describing is so dissimilar from X, I want to draw special attention to HOW dissimilar it is.

The meaning here is that a certain limerick is not ATYPICALLY bawdy, but TYPICALLY bawdy (i.e. all limericks are bawdy). Hence, the limerick in question is a paradigm (perfect model) of the limerick form.

Make sense?

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Re: Text Completion Guide - Vocab usage help

by fbmagnumopus Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:37 am

Yup, makes sense now! Thanks for breaking that down Tommy! I never thought I'd be able to decode such a 'twisty' sentence (as Jen Dzuira puts it) but now it makes sense.
Manhattan Prep Staff
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Re: Text Completion Guide - Vocab usage help

by tommywallach Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:52 pm

Glad to help!
