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Technology:-Boon or Bane

by kpkanupriyakhmi Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:43 am

Topic:-As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

As the topic says , thinking power of humans will deteriorate with more advancements in technology, but focusing on today’s hectic which is not possible without smartphones, tablets etc., I don’t think so!
As time is money, relying upon technology will surely save one’s time especially professionals. Paying attention to smartphones, tablets, advanced computers etc . , a user can easily check his mails, can contact anybody instantaneously, can check where he is and where he wants to go. Moreover, if we say thinking is hampered, it does not happen. Since children are gadget freaks, they tend to pay attention more towards how does technology move and how the world is changing. In addition to that, children can channelize more energy in building similar or who knows far more advanced gadgets. Who knows a student living in remote area , can use technology-driven smartphones and can help himself in studies.
Yes, of course, there are cons of everything:-as said by Stephen Hawkings “Artificial Intelligence” another technology driven product can take control over human beings and a day will come when the robots or other products of Artificial Intelligence will prove to be detrimental. But, we are made to forget the robot designed by NASA which will accompany a person travelling to space and has the ability to help a person to bring out new suggestions, if he is a trouble. And yes it is also claimed, students pay more attention to gadgets than other things. But see today’s students far more advanced that their ancestors, who can solve all the problems himself because of help of technology. May be if Thomas Elva Edison or Einstien were alive, they would be astonished to look at the new developing and developed era and say”Hats off!!”.
Yes, coming back to Artificial Intelligence, it can take turmoil over human. But lets check out the weapns designed or the robots e.g. GigaVolt, MetaVolt. May be these can be helpful in all the attacks made by terrorist in areas which can’t afford nuclear weapons like many countries are always under continuous fear of attack and the respective authorities will have a peaceful sleep!
Students trying to make new inventions, saving time which is actually money, awareness amongst people about what is happening around us and what can happen in future etc. etc. many features and who says technology hampers human mental growth?
Further not paying much attention to cons, since these, if controlled, will surely lead to more and make developing and under-developed countries developed countries and who knows it will contribute towards increase in global income!
All said, the conclusion is technology does not hamper one’s growth rather it make people awake and aware and lead to progress of nations.
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Joined: Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:45 am

Re: Technology:-Boon or Bane

by theonlyhero28 Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:11 am

I'd give it a 3. For more information about an essay which received a score of 3, visit https://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general ... ring_guide.
Manhattan Prep Staff
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Re: Technology:-Boon or Bane

by tommywallach Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:32 pm

Hey guys,

Two things. First off, this ain't the essay forum. This is the verbal forum. Essays aren't verbal. They're a separate section.

Secondly, I really don't recommend posting essays here. You want feedback from professionals, and (unfortunately) the professionals on this forum (i.e. ME!) don't grade essays. We don't do it because when we did, we got TONS of people asking, and it's incredibly time-consuming.

That's all I got! You're still welcome to post (I'm not going to delete them or anything), but be careful taking advice from anyone where you don't know their background. : )
