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Study time

by saral.joshi1 Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:10 am


I'm looking for some serious and urgent prep advice for GRE. I am doing a 11 hour a day engineering job in front of the computer screen. My exam is on 21st August and I haven't given GRE before. I get around 10 off's a month, so in all I may have 15-20 off days left to study. I need to utilize my time perfectly well and not get confused/stressed while preparing; Can anybody suggest a study plan I can stick to.
I can study 2-3 hours daily on work days
I can study 10-12 hours on off days
I can take some leaves before the actual exam.

If not a plan, can an expert suggest a few topics I can kick off my prep with?
I believe I can do this with some good planning as my English and Maths have been good since I was little.

Thank you.
Manhattan Prep Staff
Posts: 1917
Joined: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:18 am

Re: Study time

by tommywallach Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:59 pm

Hey Sara,

Unfortunately, we cannot provide individualized study plans for non-students. One of the packages we offer is a self-study plan, with all the necessary books and advice for homework. I would recommend you get that, or something similar, and just start working.

Good luck!
