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Poor in quants

by boygre330 Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:38 am


After doing lot of internet research, I've landed here :).

Two Things about me:

1. I'm poor in maths.

2. Average in vocab.

Having said that, I've 2 months to prepare for my GRE exam. This is the second time, I'm appearing for GRE exam. My first gre score was 900(Year 2009)

I need to score well especially in Quants section. I've already started self study with the help of ETS books. However, I need the advice, is it possible to get an "excellent" or "above average score" in 2 months of time with self study.

I work 8 hours a day and study 4 hours when I'm home. I was looking for Maths books with lots of example problems which are self explanatory as I cannot attended classes due to my busy schedule.

I really need to work on my quants section. Waiting for your answers. Quick reply is much appreciated.

Manhattan Prep Staff
Posts: 1917
Joined: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:18 am

Re: Poor in quants

by tommywallach Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:10 pm

Hey Boy Gre,

If your first score was 900 (out of 1600), then you probably need more than 2 months. You also should take a class, in order to learn new techniques. We (and other companies) offer online courses, so you should be able to fit in the three hours a week. Self-study can work, but as it didn't work so well last time, expecting a hugely different result this time probably isn't the safest idea. Also, remember it's not just a question of doing lots of questions, but of learning new skills. I recommend you pick up books (ours or some other company's) to help you learn those skills, rather than simply continuing to do questions in whatever way you are doing them now.

Good luck!
