The passage f: sweet spot - solved page 148 has disconcerted me!
First of all, the solutions assume that the centre of percussion is the only place to damp vibrations, whereas, it is clearly mentioned in the first paragraph that the "lesser known" spot, will ALSO diminish the strain on players arm.
This reasoning has been used in answer 5. I feel it is A.
Also, for the 7th question, C seems erroneous to me. Nowhere has it been mentioned (or implied) that centre of percussion would produce a cleaner shot compared to the primary sweet spot. The ALSO in the first paragraph should justify my reasoning.
Also for the 2nd question, I choose C. I felt, no where it is mentioned more than 2 forces will act and at least made the answer contemptuous for me. For 2 I chose A, first because the "only" makes it too restrictive, and secondly, since the question is about forces and option A is not relating to forces.
I am sure, I would be going wrong somewhere- kindly let me know where?