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5lb 2nd Ed, RC, page 213, Q82

by kim.yee.haun Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:35 pm

I couldn't understand why the answer is C.

For C, I wasn't able to identify implications of the novel. Also, with reference to the given explanation, could you please explain how the passage "briefly wonders about the author's motivation"?

Thank you.
Manhattan Prep Staff
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Re: 5lb 2nd Ed, RC, page 213, Q82

by tommywallach Fri Sep 30, 2016 5:15 pm

A) We aren't trying to explain why the book is popular. Only one sentence in the whole passage even references its popularity.

B) Clearly the passage is about a book, not a real-life situation. It uses the real-life situation of women to DISCUSS the book, but the focus is on Little Women.

C) Yep. We spend the whole passage talking about what Little Women has to say about the state of women contemporary to that time.

D) The passage does not argue for anything. It's pure description.

E) This would imply that the passage is critical of Alcott, but it's certainly not.
