Errata – Fractions, Decimals, & Percents, 4th Edition

Cover for 4th Edition


Page Location Description Erroneous Text Correction
44 Top Error in chapter text Then, because the denominator is 1, keep one… Then, because the numerator is 1, keep one…
61 Bottom #10, end of explanation 1 1×2 4=1 8 1 2×1 4=1 8
87 Top #3 denominator 5.342 × 104 5.042 × 104
89 Middle #3 denominator (first step) 53,420 50,420
89 Middle #3 denominator (second step) 5.342 5.042
95 Bottom Typo in chapter text … these percent problems frequntly… … these percent problems frequently…
117 Middle Typo in chapter text In each of these instances, you using a fraction, a decimal… In each of these instances, you are using a fraction, a decimal…
148 Bottom #20, 4th line of math 9x = 10 = 17 9x – 10 = 17
184 Middle #7, question stem The integers x and (x – 1) are not divisible by 4. Positive integers x and (x – 1) are not divisible by 4.