Should I Take an Online GRE Course?


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - Should I Take an Online GRE Course? by Chelsey Cooley

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I love a good online GRE course. Blackboard, the online platform that we use at Manhattan Prep, lets us do a lot of neat things online that we couldn’t do in an in-person class. However, studying for the GRE online isn’t perfect for every student. This article will help you understand what’s involved in successfully starting and completing an online GRE course.

Getting Set Up for an Online GRE Course

Do you have access to a wired internet connection? It’s possible to take an online GRE course with only a wireless connection, but some students who try this find that their audio and video periodically lag. This is annoying at best, and at worst, can keep you from participating in class. It’s not hard to set up a wired connection if you don’t have one already—if you take the class from work, ask your IT department, or use Google or a technologically-savvy friend to help you out at home. You can also contact our Tech Support team at

Do you have a headset that’s comfortable to wear for 3 hours and a microphone with good audio quality? We don’t recommend using a built-in microphone on a laptop to take an online class. You can buy a headset that’ll work for under $20 on Amazon. If you’re planning to take an online GRE course, pick one up now so you’ll have it for the first class meeting.

Do you have a quiet place to work, with no interruptions? If you have small children or needy pets at home, consider taking an in-person class to ‘get away from it all.’ We don’t recommend taking an online GRE course from Starbucks (too loud) or a public library (you won’t be able to talk freely).

Being a Great Online GRE Course Student

Does the thought of speaking to the class via microphone make you uncomfortable?

Be realistic—if this might keep you from learning effectively, take an in-person class instead.

Are you comfortable with English?

It’s harder to understand speech (for everyone, not just non-native speakers) over an Internet connection than it is in person. If English speaking and listening aren’t strengths for you, consider taking an in-person class so you’ll have more non-verbal cues. Don’t underestimate yourself, though! I’ve had many non-native English speakers succeed in my online classes.

Are you an extrovert?

The most successful online GRE course students are the ones who contribute spontaneously, even if they aren’t sure that they’re right. They ask for help if they need it, and they don’t feel shy about pausing the class to ask a question. If you’re talkative and enthusiastic in class, an online GRE course could be a great fit.

Do you stay focused on your own?

In college, did you show up to every class session, even at 8 in the morning, or could you succeed by skipping classes and reading the textbook later? If you’re good at motivating yourself to stay focused alone, take an online GRE course. If you like that extra ‘push’ from sitting in a classroom with other students, consider an in-person class.

How do you interact with technology?

If you dread learning to use a new online platform, consider an in-person class. That said, if you’re reluctant to take an online GRE course just because you’ve never done it before, take a trial class and find out! Blackboard isn’t too complicated—it only takes a little time and practice to learn everything you’ll need to know.

Do you have a tough schedule?

Match the class to your needs. If you travel a lot, or work unusual hours, consider an online GRE course. It isn’t the perfect situation—ideally, you’d take an online class from a quiet, consistent location—but it’s better than no class at all!

Are there in-person classes in your area?

If not, try an online trial class. You might be surprised by how effective it can be.

Will you need to miss multiple classes?

All of our online classes are recorded, so you can watch them later if you have to miss one. You can schedule a makeup class if you miss an in-person session, but you may need to travel to a different location, and you’ll probably have a different instructor.

Making the Decision

If the decision is obvious once you’ve read this article, go ahead and sign up! We’d love to have you, whether online or in person. If you still aren’t sure, you can take the first session of any of our GRE classes for free. Try at least one in-person class and at least one online class before you decide. You can even try multiple classes with different instructors, until you find an instructor and classmates you really click with. Contact our Student Services team if you have any questions about signing up for an online GRE course; they’re at ?

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Chelsey CooleyChelsey Cooley Manhattan Prep GRE Instructor is a Manhattan Prep instructor based in Seattle, Washington. Chelsey always followed her heart when it came to her education. Luckily, her heart led her straight to the perfect background for GMAT and GRE teaching: she has undergraduate degrees in mathematics and history, a master’s degree in linguistics, a 790 on the GMAT, and a perfect 170/170 on the GRE. Check out Chelsey’s upcoming GRE prep offerings here.