What Should I Look for in a GRE Trial Class?
As you may know, we open up the first session of our 8-session Manhattan Prep GRE Complete Course as a free GRE trial class for anyone to attend. What happens in a GRE trial class? Why bother attending one? I’m sure every class is a little bit different, but there are some things you can expect to see, as well as a few things you should make sure to look for. Read more
This simple approach will help you avoid mistakes on GRE algebra
GRE high-scorers might not be smarter than everyone else, but they do think about the test differently. One key difference is in how high-scorers do algebra. They make far fewer algebraic mistakes, because, either consciously or subconsciously, they use mathematical rules to check their work as they simplify. Here’s how to develop that habit yourself. Read more
GMAT or GRE for b-school? Business Insider consults Manhattan Prep

Whether it’s the GMAT or the GRE, let Manhattan Prep be your guide.
Business Insider sat in on our “GMAT vs. GRE: Which is right for you?” workshop recently in order to glean expert advice from Manhattan Prep’s very own Stacey Koprince.
They found the course to be so informative that they published a nifty piece featuring a decision tree for prospective b-school students grappling with the age-old (or 2-years old, as it were) GMAT vs. GRE quandary; check it out below!
Interested in further reading on the “GMAT or GRE?” question? We’ve made a special page just for you. Want expert advice straight from the source at Stacey’s next workshop? Click here!

“GMAT vs. GRE” decision tree. Credit: Business Insider
The GRE’s not a math test – it’s a foreign language test!
Imagine that you asked a friend of yours what she got on the Quant section of the GRE. Instead of answering you directly, she said “let’s just say that 4 times my score is a multiple of 44, and 3 times my score is a multiple of 45.”
Could you tell what score she got? If not… you may need to work on your GRE translation skills! Read more
Manhattan Prep’s Social Venture Scholars Program Deadline: July 6th
Do you work for a non-profit? How about promote positive social change? Manhattan Prep is honored to offer special full tuition scholarships for up to 16 individuals per year (4 per quarter) who will be selected as part of Manhattan Prep’s Social Venture Scholars program. The SVS program provides selected scholars with free admission into one of Manhattan Prep’s Live Online Complete Courses (a $1299 value).
These competitive scholarships are offered to individuals who (1) currently work full-time in an organization that promotes positive social change, (2) plan to use their degree to work in a public, not-for-profit, or other venture with a social-change oriented mission, and (3) demonstrate clear financial need. The Social Venture Scholars will all enroll in a special online preparation course taught by two of Manhattan Prep’s expert instructors within one year of winning the scholarship.
The deadline is fast approaching: July 6th, 2015!
Learn more about the SVS program and apply to be one of our Social Venture Scholars here.
How to “Read” Your Practice Tests
So, you’ve taken a practice test! Maybe you’re closing in on the score you want, or maybe you still have some distance left to travel. Regardless of which scenario applies to you, “reading” your practice test data is an incredibly crucial element to GRE progress!
I write this assuming I don’t need to discuss looking at your score, comparing overall quantitative to overall verbal, etc. Everyone looks at the ‘big’ numbers. The question is, what eureka moments can we gain from a deeper analysis?
There are three components to analyzing a practice test: analyzing timing, analyzing accuracy by question type, and analyzing accuracy by topic tested.
Analyzing Timing
You can’t analyze your timing until you know what your timing should look like.
Does anything stand out to you in image above? Why do some questions take you less than one minute, while some take more than three? We expect some variation across different questions – Reading Comprehension should take longer than Text Completion or Sentence Equivalence, and Data Interpretation questions (especially the first DI question) will usually take longer than Quantitative Comparison. But why are there such wide swings in question time within the QC question? And I can’t help but notice that the two Discrete Quantity questions both took less time than the vast majority of the QC questions. Perhaps this is someone who is skilled in math, but doesn’t yet truly grasp the logic underlying the QC questions.
A review of QC as a question type is probably called for from this practice test.
Another element of timing is more fundamental (and the above image captures this concept also). Do you know when to let a question go, guess, and move on to the next question? Any time you spent three minutes on a question, you had a problem letting go. Right or wrong, that question hurt you.
Bottom line, when you analyze timing in a practice test, you want to see two things: 1) question by question timing – were you able to let a question go when needed, and 2) question type timing – do you have the desired timing for each question type?
Now it’s time to Generate an Assessment Report!!! (It’s exciting because it’s got three exclamation points )
Analyzing Accuracy by Question Type
Take a few moments and see what you can find in the image above. Don’t worry, I’ll wait
Seriously, there’s a lot you should consider here. If you haven’t been looking for at least 5 minutes, you haven’t spent enough time. And although I *said* this is the Accuracy analysis portion of this post, we’re not done with timing.
First, let’s talk good decisions vs poor decisions. Good decisions – on TC, you know when to get out of a question. Look at the Average Time Wrong vs Average Time right for the Harder and Devilish TC questions. That’s what we want to see! This indicates you recognize when more time will/won’t pay off. (Maybe… more on this in a moment.)
So why aren’t you making the same decisions in SE?
Finally, why, why, why are you spending five minutes – on AVERAGE across three questions – in RC? What’s going on here? There’s some leeway in RC, because of the time needed to read and process a longer passage, but not five minutes leeway.
On the Easier RC question that you missed, you missed it in one minute. This indicates you were confident in your answer. Confident in the wrong answer – somewhere in this question is a trap that you fell for, and you need to figure out what that trap was!
Back to the TC timing: one possibility is you know when to get out of TC, and that’s why your wrong answers take less time than the right answers. Another, more disturbing possibility, is you’re cheating yourself on TC time. How do I know this? Look at the variation between TC and SE accuracy – it’s not huge, but the discrepancy is there. Why is TC accuracy lower?
Finally, the most obvious element of this analysis is that RC is your lowest accuracy. Time to go back and study!!!
Analyzing Accuracy by Topic Tested
This issue cannot be addressed by looking at one image – you will generate an assessment report, and view the Analysis by Content Area and Topic. There are a few things you’re looking for here.
First, and foremost, are you seeing accuracy and speed in topics you’ve studied? If you haven’t studied Geometry yet, who cares if your Geometry accuracy is 20%! But you’ve spent two full weeks reviewing algebra, so why are you missing 2 out of 3 function/formula questions? Bright side though, your accuracy in Quadratics is through the roof!!
Obviously that paragraph is a hypothetical, but notice two things: first, you need to decide which area(s) deserve your analysis; second, you need to look not just at the overall topic, but also at the subtopics.
You’re looking for improvements and discrepancies. Which areas are strong? Which are weak? Do you have a mix of strong and weak areas in one major topic? These are all question you need to ask yourself.
BUT you need to take this with a grain of salt – don’t neglect to consider the difficulty of the individual questions! Yes, maybe you missed 2 function questions. But they were both Devilish difficulty! You’re not weak in this area, you just got hit by some of the worst questions.
Finally, don’t neglect to examine timing in this area of analysis. Yes, you were accurate in Rates questions. But you spent 4 minutes on them. Time to study!!
Final Thoughts
I hope you’ve found this helpful. If you go back and look at my previous GRE blog posts, I think you’ll notice that this post contains many, many more rhetorical questions. That’s the point of practice test analysis. In the test, and when you’re studying, the computer, or the book, or whatever study source you’re using is asking you questions.
Analyzing your practice tests is the time for you to ask the questions. What are the weak areas? Strong areas? Why am I performing differently in Word Problems vs Geometry?
And there’s one question you must ask, which I haven’t addresses, simply because of how much space it would require – Are you seeing improvement???
Every time you take a practice test, from the second practice test on to the last, look at the most recent test, do all this analysis. Then look at the test prior – what’s changed? What has stayed the same? Have you improved in your weaknesses, and have strengths remained strong?
A practice test doesn’t teach you anything in and of itself – but it tells you where you are, and where you’re moving, and what you *should* be teaching yourself.
Good Luck!!!
GRE, GMAT, and LSAT Instructor Auditions: Decision In A Day (NYC April 12th)
Manhattan Prep offers instructors flexible hours and great pay ($100/hour for all teaching and $116/hour for all tutoring). As a Manhattan Prep instructor, you will have autonomy in the classroom, but you will also be joining an incredibly talented and diverse network of people. We support our instructors by providing students, space, training, and an array of curricular resources.
Our regular instructor audition process, which consists of a series of videos and mini lessons, usually takes weeks, even months, to complete. Through this process we winnow an applicant pool of hundreds down to a few people each year.
We are offering a one-day event on April 12th for teachers interested in working with us. Candidates who attend will receive a decision that day. The event will take place at our company headquarters at 138 West 25th St., 7th Floor, in Manhattan, New York City. It is open to candidates who live in the tri-state area, have taught before, and are experts in the GMAT, LSAT, or GRE.
The day will include several rounds of lessons, as well as other activities. Each round will be pass / fail. The day will begin at 10:30 am. It may last as late as 5:30 pm for those who make it through the final round. Candidates will need to prepare lessons for some rounds; we will send more detailed instructions to candidates when they sign up for the event.
To register, please email Yanilda at auditions@manhattanprep.com by Wednesday, April 12. Please include in your email a resume including your teaching experience and a score report.
GRE, GMAT, and LSAT Instructor Auditions: Decision In A Day (Dallas & Fort Worth)
Manhattan Prep is holding a two one-day auditions for new GRE, LSAT, and GMAT instructors in Dallas and Fort Worth! Come join us February 7th in Dallas or February 8th in Fort Worth at 10:00 AM and transform your passion for teaching into a lucrative and fulfilling part-time or full-time career.
Manhattan Prep offers instructors flexible hours and great pay ($100/hour for all teaching and $116/hour on all tutoring). In addition to teaching classes, instructors can work on other projects such as curriculum development.
Our regular instructor audition process, which includes a series of video, online, and in-person mock lessons, usually takes weeks, even months, to complete. However, we are offering one-day events on February 7th and on 8th for teachers interested in working with us. All candidates who attend will receive a decision that day.
The events will take place in Dallas and Fort Worth at the locations listed below. It is open to candidates who live in the area, who have teaching experience, and who are GRE, GMAT, and/or LSAT experts.
The audition will include several rounds of lessons, as well as other activities. Each round will be pass/ fail. The day will begin at 10 AM and may last as late as 5:30 PM for those who make it to the final round. Candidates will need to prepare lessons for some rounds; we will send a more detailed instruction packet to those who sign up for the event.
Dallas, TX (Saturday, February 7, 2015)
Meridian Business Center
6060 N. Central Expwy
Suite 560, 5th Fl.
Dallas, TX 75206
Fort Worth, TX (Sunday, February 8, 2015)
Courtyard Fort Worth at University
3150 Riverfront Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76107
To register, please email Rina at auditions@manhattanprep.com. Make sure to include in your full name, an attachment of your resume detailing your teaching experience, and an official GRE, GMAT, or LSAT score report. We look forward to meeting you in February!
Manhattan Prep’s Black Friday GRE Special!
One of the biggest shopping days of the year has arrived–Happy Black Friday! In case you’re too full of turkey and stuffing to make your way out to the shops today, we’re serving up something extra special.
Today through December 15th, we’re offering $200 off all of our Complete GMAT, LSAT, and GRE courses*! This deal includes all Complete Courses– in-person as well as Live-Online. To receive this limited-time discount, register for a course that starts in December and enter the code Holiday200 at checkout.t!
*Offer is valid for courses starting in the month of December only. Not valid for students currently registered for courses, or with any additional offers. Offer expires 12/15/2013 for GMAT courses
Studying for the GRE take a free GRE practice exam, or try out one of our upcoming free Manhattan GRE trial classes, running all the time near you, or online. And, be sure to find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and follow us on Twitter!
GRE, GMAT, and LSAT Instructor Auditions: Decision In A Day
For the first time ever, Manhattan Prep is holding a one-day audition for new GMAT, GRE, and LSAT instructors! Come join us December 14, 2014 at 9:00 AM and transform your passion for teaching into a lucrative and fulfilling part-time or full-time career.
Manhattan Prep offers instructors flexible hours and great pay ($100/hour for all teaching and tutoring). In addition to teaching classes, instructors can work on other projects such as curriculum development.
Our regular instructor audition process, which includes a series of phone, video, and in-person mock lessons, usually takes weeks, even months, to complete. However, we are offering a one-day event on December 14th for teachers interested in working with us. Candidates who attend will receive a decision that day.
The event will take place at our company headquarters at 138 West 25th St., 7th Floor, in Manhattan, New York City at 9:00 AM EST. It is open to candidates who live in the tri-state area, who have teaching experience, and who are GMAT, LSAT, or GRE experts.
The day will include several rounds of lessons, as well as other activities. Each round will be pass/ fail. The day will begin at 9 AM and may last as late as 4:30 PM for those who make it to the final round. Candidates will need to prepare lessons for some rounds; we will send a more detailed instruction packet to those who sign up for the event.
To register, please email Rina at auditions@manhattanprep.com. Make sure to include in your full name, an attachment of your resume detailing your teaching experience, and an official GRE, GMAT, or LSAT score report. We look forward to meeting you on December 14th!