Articles published in GRE Quant

Common Math Errors on the GRE


common math errors on the GRE

This post was written from the collective wisdom of Manhattan Prep GRE instructors.

Quick: here’s an expression from a GRE math problem. How do you simplify it?


A great GRE problem will often reveal math misconceptions we don’t even know we have! There are a lot of different wrong ways to simplify this expression. Try it out before you keep reading—then we’ll look at some other math myths and common mistakes, and how to avoid second-guessing on the GRE. 

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GRE Work Problems


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - GRE Work Problems by Neil Thornton

You can attend the first session of any of our online or in-person GRE courses absolutely free. Ready to take the plunge? Check out our upcoming courses here.

Problems involving work and rates can be a problem for many test-takers, but with a clear method to set them up and a little clever plugging in, you can learn to knock them out efficiently and accurately. Read more

What Are the Hardest GRE Math Problems?


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - What Are the Hardest GRE Math Problems? by Tom Anderson

And what do they tell us about prepping for the GRE?

Students often ask me, “Where can I find the most difficult questions on the GRE?” In this blog entry, I’ll show you the top three hardest GRE Math problems, ranked by percent of students who got them wrong. Before we get there, I should say: you don’t need to correctly answer questions like these to get a very, very good score on the GRE. This is a test that favors accuracy and consistency on mid-range questions over the ability to get the very hard ones. One can nab a score in the 90th percentile or above without getting any of the very hardest GRE Math problems correct. In case you’re curious, though, this is what the hardest GRE Math problems look like. Each of these questions were correctly answered by fewer than 20 percent of GRE test takers.

Start the drum roll.

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Quick GRE Math Tricks


quick GRE math tricks

Mastering GRE math means challenging yourself to improve your executive reasoning, on top of re-learning math rules you may not have seen for years. It’s not always an easy process, but there are a few quick math tricks that might earn you some points!

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How to Review a GRE Quantitative Comparison Question



When you miss a GRE Quantitative Comparison problem, it’s easy to feel like you’ve been “tricked” by the test. You know the saying “fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you?” On the GRE, it goes the other way. Getting tricked once is a learning opportunity. But if you’re getting tricked in the same way more than once, look at how you’re reviewing problems.  Read more

Top 10 GRE Quantitative Comparisons Tips


Top 10 GRE Quantitative Comparisons Tips

Good news: GRE Quantitative Comparisons aren’t like anything you had to do in math class. Mastering these tricky problems is a quick way to improve your GRE Quant score without a ton of computation. Get started with our 10 best GRE Quantitative Comparison tips! Then, once you’re done reading, check out the GRE Math Strategy Guide for even more. Read more

What’s Tested on GRE Math


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - What's Tested on GRE Math by Chelsey Cooley

GRE Math is a bit like high school math, without some of the hardest parts: for instance, you don’t have to write proofs or show your work! Here’s a quick rundown of the GRE Math skills required to conquer the Quant section, along with some of our best GRE Math tips. Read more

How to Create a GRE Problem Log for Quant


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - How to Create a GRE Problem Log for Quant by Chelsey Cooley

Having a GRE problem log is like having a budget: sort of a pain sometimes, but much smarter than the alternative. Skeptical? Check out this article first—then come back here when you’re ready to roll. Read more

Can You Ace GRE Quant if You’re Bad at Math? (Part 3)


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - Can You Ace GRE Quant if You're Bad at Math? (Part 3) by Chelsey Cooley

If you have a complicated relationship with math, you need to be especially careful about how you study. Some GRE Quant study techniques might seem to make perfect sense, but can actually leave you frustrated and demoralized in the long run. For painless studying, try these next few ideas instead. Read more

Can You Ace GRE Quant if You’re Bad at Math? (Part 1)


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - Can You Ace GRE Quant if You're Bad at Math? (Part 1) by Chelsey Cooley

First, let’s get on the same page about what being “bad at math” really means. In my experience, GRE students who say that they’re bad at math tend to fall into these categories: Read more