GMAT or GRE for b-school? Business Insider consults Manhattan Prep

Whether it’s the GMAT or the GRE, let Manhattan Prep be your guide.
Business Insider sat in on our “GMAT vs. GRE: Which is right for you?” workshop recently in order to glean expert advice from Manhattan Prep’s very own Stacey Koprince.
They found the course to be so informative that they published a nifty piece featuring a decision tree for prospective b-school students grappling with the age-old (or 2-years old, as it were) GMAT vs. GRE quandary; check it out below!
Interested in further reading on the “GMAT or GRE?” question? We’ve made a special page just for you. Want expert advice straight from the source at Stacey’s next workshop? Click here!

“GMAT vs. GRE” decision tree. Credit: Business Insider
Friday Links: Online Graduate Classes, Productivity Tools, & More!
Happy Friday and happy Fourth of July Weekend! Here’s our weekly roundup of grad school news and tips:
Leverage International Roots for U.S. Grad School Applications (U.S. News Education)
Emphasizing cultural differences is a natural way prospective international graduate students can craft unique applications.
What is an Online Graduate Class Like? ( Graduate School)
Online classes hold some similarities with traditional on-ground courses, but there are also many differences.
6 Important Things Nobody Tells You About Grad School (Cracked)
If you’re considering or already in postgrad work, take some helpful advice from someone who already has two and a half postgraduate degrees under his belt.
Policing Your Productivity: 7 Tools to Help You Focus (Entrepreneur)
Are you easily distracted by social media and entertainment sites? Keep your focus, especially when it’s time to study, with these helpful programs.
Did we miss your favorite article from the week? Let us know what you’ve been reading in the comments or tweet @ManhattanPrep
POWERPREP II for Mac is here!
Can I use POWERPREP on a Mac? This is one of the questions most frequently asked by students calling us here at Manhattan Prep.
Well, I’m happy to say that my answer to this question is now a resounding, YES! The long awaited introduction of ETS POWERPREP software for Mac users is here! As of July 2013, ETS offers a Mac-compatible version of their terrific practice test software. Mac-loving students will no longer have to worry about borrowing their roommate’s cousin’s boyfriend’s PC to take their practice GRE.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the software, POWERPREP is free practice exam available directly from ETS, the administrators of the GRE. POWERPREP is an excellent resource, one that we recommend all of our students use. The software includes two computer-based tests, sample Analytical Writing topics, scored sample essays and reader commentary, test-taking strategies, a math review, and test tutorials. We recommend that students save at least one POWERPEP II test until fairly close to their real exam to get a nearly exact practice run of what will happen on test day.
So, rejoice, Mac-users, POWERPREP for Mac is now available.
Friday Links: Student Loan Debt, Summer GRE Reading, and More!
Happy Friday and happy summer! Get a jump start on your summer reading with a few of this week’s top grad school articles:
When Grad School Does and Doesn’t Make Sense (USA Today College)
Here are 10 circumstances when grad school may make sense and 10 when it might not.
How to Choose the Right Graduate Program? Consider Your Personal Life ( Grad School)
Sometimes you have to look beyond academics to choose the right graduate school program for you.
5 Tips for Applying to Graduate Programs in Clinical or Counseling Psychology ( Graduate School)
Be on your game to improve your odds of admission to graduate programs in psychology with these five helpful tips.
How to Tackle Student Loan Debt as Quickly as Possible (USA Today College)
Here are some wise steps to pay off your student debt as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Read Your Way to a Higher Score: Summer Reading Recommendations from our GRE Instructors (Manhattan GRE Blog)
To celebrate the first day of summer, we’re bringing back a post from the archives. Check out our list of summer reading recommendations!
Did we miss your favorite article from the week? Let us know what you’ve been reading in the comments or tweet @ManhattanPrep
Friday Links: Grad School in the Humanities, Choosing the Right Grad Program, & More!
Here’s a roundup of our favorite GRE links from the week. Enjoy the weekend!
Don’t Be Afraid of Going to Graduate School in the Humanities (Pacific Standard)
Full-time, tenure-track professorships in the humanities are famously scarce. But that’s not a reason to avoid an advanced degree.
3 Concerns of International Grad School Applicants (U.S. News Education)
Here are some answers to common application questions from prospective international graduate students.
How to Choose the Right Graduate Program? Consider Your Personal Life ( Graduate School)
Sometimes you have to look beyond academics to choose the right graduate program for you.
3 Key Ways College, Graduate School Differ (U.S. News Education)
Grad School isn’t a continuation of college. Be prepared for larger workloads and more responsibility.
Graduate Degrees with Strong Career Prospects (Graduate Guide)
Here are some of the best fields to consider in graduate school when it comes to the current job market.
Friday Links: Summer Internships, Research Experience, & More!
Happy Friday! It’s time to take a break from GRE prep to catch up on some of the top grad school tips and news links from the week:
8 Steps for Making the Most of Your Summer Internship (Brazen Life)
It’s almost summertime! Here are some great tips to help you maximize your summer internship experience.
Yes, Guys, Graduate School in the Humanities is Still a Worthwhile Investment (Policymic)
Graduate school, especially in the humanities, has been receiving very bad press for a long time, but 2013 has already produced a bumper crop of essays about the Ph.D. process.
Get Research Experience for Graduate Admissions ( Graduate School)
Graduate programs, especially PhD programs, highly value research experience. Without it, it’s unlikely that you’ll gain admission, regardless of your GPA.
Grad School May Not be for Everyone (Daily Sundial)
A current student argues that grad school is a good idea, but only if you’re 100 percent ready for the challenges that await.
Did we miss your favorite article from the week? Let us know what you’ve been reading in the comments or tweet @ManhattanPrep
Free Events This Week: April 22- April 28
Here are the free GRE events we’re holding this week (All times local unless otherwise specified):
4/22/13– Boston, MA- Free Trial Class– 6:30PM – 9:30PM
4/22/13– Online – Mondays with Jen– 7:00PM – 8:30PM
4/25/13– New York, NY – Free Trial Class- 6:30PM – 9:30PM
Looking for more free events? Check out our Free Events Listing Page.
Friday Links: Enrollment Decisions,Techniques to Combat Procrastination, &More!
Set the GRE prep work aside for a moment to catch up on some of this week’s top grad school tips and news links:
How to Make the Final Grad School Enrollment Decision (U.S. News Education)
Former dean of admissions has some advice for how to focus your needs and desires when you make your final grad school enrollment decision.
Overcome Procrastination with the Pomodoro Technique ( Graduate School)
Looking for a way to overcome procrastination? The Pomodoro Technique is a formal timer-based time management technique”it’s simple and effective.
How to Choose a U.S. Graduate School (U.S. News Education)
Use these four tips to thoroughly research graduate programs and prospective career fields before becoming and international graduate student.
U.S. Graduate Schools Stung by Drop in Chinese Applications (Reuters)
Reuters reports that slowing grad school enrollments, including a 5 percent decline in applications from Chine for fall 2013, are hurting the revenues of many U.S. universities.
Did we miss your favorite article from the week? Let us know what you’ve been reading in the comments or tweet @ManhattanPrep
Friday Links: Grad School and the Sequester, Grad School Advising, & More
Catch up on some of the top grad school tips and news links from the week. Happy Friday and happy reading!
What Graduate Students Should Know About the Sequester (U.S. News Education)
According to U.S. News, admissions criteria will change at some schools due to the sequestration. Find out why it could lead to a decrease in the number of students admitted.
What to Do When You are Accepted to Grad School (
Congrats to you if you’ve recently opened a graduate school acceptance letter! Now it’s time for some practical advice about what to do next.
Making the Most of Graduate School Advising (U.S. News Education)
This week U.S. News started a series addressing the questions that admitted graduate students often ask as well as information on how the academic advising process works.
You Can Be Busy or Remarkable”But Not Both (Study Hacks)
Here’s a great post that explains the profound difference between being busy and being remarkable. We think you’ll be ready for some down time after this read.
Did we miss your favorite article from the week? Let us know what you’ve been reading in the comments or tweet @ManhattanPrep
Friday Links: Paying for Grad School, Dual Degrees, School Rankings and More!
Happy Friday! Here’s a roundup of some great grad school tips and news links from the week:
Maximize Graduate School With a Dual Degree (U.S. News Education)
U.S. News details the difference between dual, joint, and interdisciplinary degrees and explains why these options may not be as expensive as you think.
The Best Graduate Schools for 2014: US News Releases the Rankings (Examiner)
U.S. News & World Report’s 2014 edition of the Best Graduate Schools was released online this past week. Here is the scoop on this year’s rankings.
Use These 5 Strategies to Pay for Graduate School (U.S. News Education)
According to U.S. News, one survey reported that almost 60 percent of employers offer some form of tuition assistance for grad students. Continue reading for five helpful strategies to consider when it comes to graduate school funding.
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