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How to Get a Perfect Score on the GRE


perfect score on the GRE

A perfect score on the GRE would be a 170 on each the Quant and Verbal sections and a 6.0 on the Analytical Writing Measure. Perfect scores are incredibly rare—while getting a perfect score in just one of these sections would put you in or close to the 99th percentile for that section, getting a perfect score in all three makes you a unicorn. In other words, you absolutely don’t need to get a perfect score in order to get into your program. I feel confident making that blanket statement. But for all the would-be unicorns out there, below I break down what you can do to get a perfect score in all three sections.

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GRE Essays: Should I Care?


gre essays

As a GRE instructor, I’m often asked, “Do the essays matter?” The answer is that it depends.

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How is the GRE Adaptive, and What Should You Do About It?


GRE adaptive

When we say that the GRE is an adaptive test, we mean that the questions you are given on it vary depending on your performance. If you answer more questions correctly early on, you’ll subsequently see harder questions. If you answer fewer correctly, you’ll see easier questions. But how does this work exactly, and what does the GRE’s adaptive format mean for you as you’re developing your test-taking strategy?

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The NEW Manhattan Prep 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems is Out Now!


Manhattan Prep GRE Blog - The NEW Manhattan Prep 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems is Out Now! by Mary Richter

We have some exciting news to share in GRE Land—a new edition of our bestselling 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems enters the world today! If you aren’t familiar with the 5 lb. Book, let me tell you—it’s my favorite of all the Manhattan Prep GRE products. I destroyed it when I was studying for the test. Struggling with exponents, I tore out the exponents chapter and did them on the train. Worried about rates and work problems, I cut them out of its pages and carried a stack around with me to do and redo in my downtime. I ransacked the chapters of any topic that I found difficult or daunting. (Can you say combinatorics? No, I mean literally, can you say it? Because I couldn’t until I started working here at Manhattan Prep.) I love that the chapters are organized by topic, so you decide where you need practice and take a targeted deep dive. With over 2,000 GRE practice problems, you’re going to find the practice you need.

With this new edition, my favorite GRE book gets even better. Here’s what we’ve added… Read more