Free GRE Events This Week: March 11- March 17
Here are the free GRE events we’re holding this week (All times local unless otherwise specified):
3/11/13– Online- Mondays with Jen– 9:00PM- 10:30PM
3/12/13– Washington, D.C.- Free Trial Class- 6:30- 9:30 PM
Looking for more free events? Check out our Free Events Listing Page.
The 5 lb. Book: How to Study Sentence Equivalence
We’re using the launch of our latest book, the 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems, as motivation to take a look at each of the major question types. The book contains more than 1,100 pages of practice problems “ crazy! “ so you can spend all of your spare time doing nothing but studying. (Kidding. : ) )
Let’s try out one of the problems! Give yourself approximately 1 minute to get to your answer. Afterwards, we’ll solve the problem and also discuss how to approach SE questions in general.
Note: If you haven’t done SE before, you need to pick two answers, either of which could fill in the blank!
A field trip was arranged so that this troupe of ___________ dancers could observe the real masters of their art.
- seasoned
- fledgling
- expert
- torpid
- novice
- lithe
© ManhattanPrep, 2013
Do you have your two answers? Let’s go! There are several important steps that help us to answer SE questions both effectively and efficiently. (Note: if you’ve already read the TC article, the steps are the same!)
(1) Read only the sentence
Read all the way to the period, but do NOT then jump to the answer choices. Instead
Read more
The 5 lb. Book: Quantitative Comparisons
Our latest book, the 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems, just hit the shelves! The book contains more than 1,100 pages of practice problems (and solutions), so you can drill on anything and everything that might be giving you trouble.
We’ve already tried out a regular math problem. This time, we’re going to try out one of the weird Quantitative Comparison problems. If the question type looks unfamiliar, or if you just haven’t had much practice with QC yet, you might want to check out this introductory article first.
Alright, are you ready to try one? Give yourself about 1 minute and 15 seconds to do this problem. (Remember that these times are averages, not limits “ you can choose to take a bit longer, but don’t go beyond about 30 seconds longer than the average. At that point, all the extra time is telling you that you don’t really know how to do this one.)
0 < a < < 9
Quantity A Quantity B
9 “ a b/2 – a
© ManhattanPrep, 2013
Yuck. That inequality thing at the top doesn’t look fun. It might have been fine if it said 0 < a < b < 9, but I'm not really sure how to think about that b/2 piece.
Let’s see. So a itself is between 0 and 9. What about b/2? Here’s a cool little trick: when we have a multi-part inequality (an inequality with 3 or more pieces), we can just chop out two parts as long as we keep the correct relationship. So let’s look just at the last two parts: b/2 < 9. Read more
The Math Beast Challenge Problem of the Week – March 4, 2013
, what is the value of x?
Free GRE Events This Week: March 4- March 10
Here are the free GRE events we’re holding this week (All times local unless otherwise specified):
3/10/13– New York, NY- Free Trial Class- 5:30- 8:30 PM
3/10/13– Atlanta, GA- Free Trial Class- 5:30- 8:30 PM
Looking for more free events? Check out our Free Events Listing Page.