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When to diagram

by ankagl63 Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:20 pm

When should I make the T-diagram for critical reasoning questions?
During reading the argument or after reading the argument and question?

The problem is sometimes you get a grip of the argument, only after reading the entire material.

Additionally, for taking notes on RC, is it best to jot down notes after reading a paragraph, or as soon as I feel something is important to note down?
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Re: When to diagram

by tim Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:53 pm

i would recommend for both CR and RC taking notes as you come across something important. if you wait to the end, you may forget something. however, if you find it more productive to wait until you've seen the whole argument for CR, feel free. the bottom line is you should do whatever works best for you..
Tim Sanders
Manhattan GMAT Instructor

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