When ethnic groups intermarry, it is likely to result in cognitive benefits; indeed, perhaps already having contributed to the Flynn effect, which has been the worldwide rise in average IQ score by as much as three points per decade over most of the past century.
A) When ethnic groups intermarry, it is likely to result in cognitive benefits; indeed, perhaps having contributed to the Flynn effect, which has been
B) The intermarriage of ethnic groups is likely to result in cognitive benefits and may indeed have contributed to the Flynn effect,
C) When ethnic groups intermarry, they are likely to result in cognitive benefits and may indeed have contributed to the Flynn effect, the name given to
D) Ethnic groups that intermarry will likely result in cognitive benefits; indeed, possibly having contributed to the Flynn effect,
E) The intermarriage of ethnic groups, likely to result in cognitive benefits, indeed have possibly contributed to the Flynn effect, the name given to
I have a hard time creating useful decision points in this sentence. I also have trouble recognizing what to ignore when scanning for just the bare minimum to read. I would appreciate any feedback on how I approach this sentence correction problem.
First time I answered it wrong, but now it is hard for me to remember how I even approached the sentence. I spent two minutes and chose answer A which has one of the most glaring mistakes.
Notes to myself on how to approach the question:
Scan last phrase and answer choice. , which has been. Answer choices include: have which have been, nothing, and the name given to. Seems like a possible modifier or meaning issue.
Read sentence carefully and understand.
Answer choice A has pronoun it. Does it agree with the antecedent? No ethnic groups is plural, eliminate. Scan other answer choices for pronoun.
Answer choice C has they, and it matches ethnic groups. Leave it in.
Now here is where I get stuck. During the test, what would you recommend my next step be? I don't know how I would be able to recognize that there is a meaning issue between B, C, D, and E. Now that I am spending my time looking at the meaning of the sentence, it is clear to me that intermarriage is the subject of one sentence and ethnic groups is the subject of the other sentence. Thus, having intermarriage contribute or ethnic groups contribute. I also see that E has a subject-verb agreement, intermarriage-have. Leaving choice B has the best choice.
Another question I have is in sentence A, "it" can never be used to describe a total event can it? What I'm asking is can "it" ever refer back to "when ethnic groups intermarry" as a whole event? Or should the pronoun "this" be used instead.
Thanks in advance!