Individuals are encouraged to get tested through their own health care provider so that when the test results come back the patient is already connected to the
health care they need. If an individual needs a
COVID-19 test and they do not have a provider, there are a number of options to obtain a test and a provider. If an individual needs a test and their provider is unable to give them a test, that individual should come to one of the
District’s walk-up or drive-thru sites.
DC residents, 3 years of age and older, experiencing any COVID-19 symptom (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, congestion, body aches, chills, runny nose) or with known exposure to COVID-19 should get a COVID-19 test
pokemon onesie . You DO NOT need a doctor's note for any of the walk-in sites. Testing and quarantine go together. While you wait for your results, protect our community by staying home.