by vishalc581 Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:08 am
Below is my understanding I had till now for the above mentioned idioms:
1) SO THAT is used to show the PURPOSE of something,
I brought chocolates today SO THAT I can sell them tomorrow.
2) SO....THAT is used to show degree
The water was SO hot THAT I couldn't wash my hands properly.
3) SO AS TO- This is one of the confusing idiom I have seen in GMAT. Sometimes OG says it is correct but in most questions it says this idiom is not correct.
I am really confused in this.
Till now I used to do below whenever I see this idiom:
SO THAT is preferable to SO AS TO.
but when I was doing below mentioned question I didn't get it.
The Emperor Akbar, it appears, commissioned an beautiful sculpture painting, the features of which are
so unrealistic as to constitute what one expert calls an "artificial face."
(A) so unrealistic as to constitute
(B) so unrealistic they constituted
(C) so unrealistic that they have constituted
(D) unrealistic enough so that they constitute
should I avoid SO AS TO ?
4)such that- don't know how/ where to use this.
Is it similar to SUCH....THAT ?
5) Enough that/ Enough to - No idea
Thanks & Regards,