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usage of had+once

by MIP Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:43 pm

Note: this is an example from Princeton Material.

Although Smith once championed the charity, he
changed his mind after a journalist linked its origin to
a corrupt individual.

which one is correct here ??
1. once championed
2. had once championed

once already means some time in past and it's no longer true => this is as good as "had" isn't it ?

So do we need a had in this case ?? Also, i feel "although" isn't used in proper context. There is no contrast here. I think author wants to say B happened after A happened.

Appreciate your inputs from MGMAT staff. Thanks a bunch.
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by esledge Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:14 pm

I think either tense would be fine, because the "once" conveys the order (championed at one time, later changed his mind). The GMAT wouldn't make you chose.

Without the "once," I think you would need to use the past perfect: "Although Smith had championed the charity, he changed..."

About the "although," I disagree that there is no contrast. "Championed" contrasts with "changed," or at least with whatever his attitude became as a result of the change.
Emily Sledge