"has been"/"have been" is purely an issue of singular/plural agreement: "has" is singular, and "have" is plural.
to resolve this issue, you should find the
subject of the split verb, decide whether that subject is singular or plural, and then pick the verb accordingly. when you select the correct subject for a verb, remember to disregard things such as modifiers, prepositional phrases, and other descriptive elements that don't constitute part of the basic "skeleton" of the sentence.
i have no idea what you're talking about re: "hopefully". please post an example sentence that gives a context for that one. thank you.
"being" should NEVER be used to express
description or
equivalence. in other words, if you're saying that X is Y, where X is a noun (thing or person) and Y is either another noun or a description, you should NOT use "being".
so, if jane is a dancer, you should generally not pick a sentence that includes "
being a dancer..." to describe jane.
this DOES NOT mean, however, that "being" is just plain wrong overall. it can sometimes be essential, as in the context of the passive voice (see
this problem).
you'll have to post examples for "having", to clarify what you mean. it's most commonly used in descriptive modifiers ("having done X, jim went on to do Y"), but i'd like to see the particular example(s) you had in mind.