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Trouble accessing online CAT's

by jyotsna.mahra Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:15 am

I have purchased the Manhattan Sentence Correction Guide, 8th edition. But iam not able to access the 6 online tests using the 32 digit code given in the back of my book.

After logging , it gives me the prompt of 'The serial code you have entered is NOT valid. Please check the code and re-enter by clicking '
Iam entering the correct code as given in the book, then why is there a problem accessing the tests?

Kindly help.
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Re: Trouble accessing online CAT's

by caitlin.clay Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:12 pm


I just checked your account and it looks like you were able to register your book. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Caitlin Clay
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Re: Trouble accessing online CAT's

by rocsid.g91 Sat May 14, 2011 11:57 am

Hi Jyotsna

How did you fix this?

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Re: Trouble accessing online CAT's

by bhide_esha Mon May 16, 2011 1:16 pm

Hi Caitlin ,

I am facing the exact same issue with my SC Strategy Guide Book.
I am not able to register the book online. I have dropped a mail to books@manhattangmat.com. When should I be expecting a reply?

I have to take the tests next week. Please help asap!!

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Re: Trouble accessing online CAT's

by Matt_Mapplebeck Mon May 16, 2011 5:52 pm

Hey EB,

I just contacted our books department about getting you access to your online resources and you should hear back back from them shortly.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Matt Mapplebeck
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Manhattan GMAT
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Re: Trouble accessing online CAT's

by bhide_esha Tue May 17, 2011 5:35 am

They did contact me, but I still havent got the access!

I'd be very grateful if you can internally follow-up.

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Re: Trouble accessing online CAT's

by Matt_Mapplebeck Tue May 17, 2011 1:07 pm


I checked out your account and you should have access to your CATs and SC Question Bank.

To access your CATs, log in to your Student Center on our website and look for the green button under the CAT Exams & Diagnostics tab. To access your Question Bank, click on the Homework & Practice tab, then click on Question Banks in the right menu and look for the green button.

Please let me know if you have any trouble.

Matt Mapplebeck
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Re: Trouble accessing online CAT's

by Oogway Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:34 am

Matt_Mapplebeck Wrote:Hey,

I checked out your account and you should have access to your CATs and SC Question Bank.

To access your CATs, log in to your Student Center on our website and look for the green button under the CAT Exams & Diagnostics tab. To access your Question Bank, click on the Homework & Practice tab, then click on Question Banks in the right menu and look for the green button.

Please let me know if you have any trouble.

Matt Mapplebeck
Student Services Associate
Manhattan GMAT


I just bought manhattan SC 4th edition , i am already registered manhattan website , so i register my book 32 digit with the same ID.

But i can not see my 6 full lenth tests, though i can see SC practice 25 questions.

And i can see my old free mock test.. please help me what to do now..i am so worried.

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Re: Trouble accessing online CAT's

by Matt_Mapplebeck Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:47 am


I see that Ron answered your question this morning on Beat the GMAT. Here is answer for you and anyone else who is interested:

"hi -- you won't see all six. you'll just see either (a) the option to resume the current test, if you are in the middle of one, or (b) the option to start your next test, if you've finished your last one. (there is a note toward the top of the cat exam page that explains this functionality.)

on the other hand, if you don't see a link to resume / start the current exam, then that's a problem, and you should contact tech support."

Matt Mapplebeck
Student Services Associate
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Re: Trouble accessing online CAT's

by akhiwani Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:21 am

I have purchased 5th edition Sentence correction- unable to register as the product is not visible in the list of selection available.
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Re: Trouble accessing online CAT's

by Noel_in_SS Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:08 pm

Hey Anubhav,

Upon reviewing your account, I noticed you were able to register your "Sentence Correction" guide. If you need any additional assistance, please feel free to email Student Services (gmat@manhattanprep.com) or give us a call at 800-576-4628.
