Is the sum of integers a and b divisible by 7?
1. a is not divisible by 7
2. a-b is divisible by 7
a + b can be divisible by 7 in two scenarios
Either a and b are both multiples of 7, OR
both are non-multiples, such that when you sum the remainders from dividing each one by 7, they equal to 7.
statement 1) a is not divisible by 7. this doesn't tell us anything about b. insufficient.
statement 2) a - b is divisible by 7. We can conceptually think about this....either both are multiples or both are not. we can pick numbers and we quickly realize that just because a - b is divisible by 7, does NOT mean that a + b is also divisible by 7. Example: a = 17, b = 3 or a = 7, b = 7. Thus insufficient.
statement 1 + statement 2:
since a is not divisible by 7, then b must not be divisible by 7.
Now if we pick numbers, say a = 17, b = 3, a-b is divisible by 7 but a + b is not divisible by 7.
Also, statement above implies that the remainder from a/7 and the remainder from b/7 must have been that with a - b the remainders summed to zero.
How do I quickly check if there are ANY sets of numbers which will allow the difference and the sum to be divisible by 7.
OA is C