by StaceyKoprince Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:27 pm
Grv, thanks for helping out - appreciate it!
accguy, because the answers choices contain variables, you could also try assigning real values. There are a lot of variables, so it might take a little extra time, but you are less likely to make the mistake you made if you use real numbers instead of variables.
eg, 10 coworkers agreed to share cost. Lunch costs $30. 2 fail to pay (therefore, 8 do pay... hmm, that means I'll have to divide 30 by 8, which won't come out even. What's another integer less than 10 that will divide into 30 evenly? 6 works.) Scratch that. 4 fail to pay, so 6 do pay. How much EXTRA do those 6 pay compared (above what they should've paid in the first place)?
S=2 (cross this out)
Originally 10 people and $30, so each were supposed to pay $3. Then 4 people weaseled out, and 6 got stuck with the tab. The 6 each paid $5, which was $2 more than they were supposed to pay. So the answer is 2.
A) 30/10 does not equal 2
B) 30/6 does not equal 2
C) (30*4)/6 = does not equal 2
D) (30*4)/(6*10) = (3*4)/(6*1) = 12/6 = 2 ding ding ding!
E) (30*6)/10 = 3*6 = does not equal 2
Notice, by the way, that I didn't find the numerical answer for all of the choices. Once I could tell that the number would not be what I wanted (2), I stopped and crossed it off. Notice also that I didn't immediately multiply everything out - I simplified before I multiplied. Make your life easy! Finally, make sure to cross off S=2 completely, so that you don't accidentally start using that number (as I did while typing this out because I couldn't cross off the S=2 on my screen!!).
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum