rajatvmittal Wrote:But i have not come across any sentence in which concision is the only criterion basis which the correct answer can be chosen.
No such animal.
Wordiness is not actually an error"”it's just a less desirable style of writing"”so it would be impossible to create an "incorrect" answer choice whose only issue is wordiness. (It wouldn't be incorrect!)
Here are some other thoughts:
* "Concision" is, essentially, a
guessing method. You should think about it ONLY AFTER you have exhausted all your thoughts about things that might actually be correct vs. incorrect.
* You should never, ever, ever think of whether an
individual answer choice is "concise". You should think
only in relative terms.
In other words, you should not look at one sentence and try to decide whether it is "concise""”basically, that's a professional editor's job.
However, if you see
two answer choices, with one clearly"”and needlessly"”much more "wordy" than the other, then you can keep the more concise one and eliminate the other one.
E.g., OG 13th #131, choices (d) and (e). (Can't reproduce the text here, but you should be able to see the split I'm talking about.)