Verbal questions from any Manhattan Prep GMAT Computer Adaptive Test. Topic subject should be the first few words of your question.
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Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide a

by anniee624 Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:39 am

Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning only after World War II.
A Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
B Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit
C Now taken for granted by most people, colleges and universities admitting students based on their academic merit
D Most take them for granted now, but the admission of nationwide students to colleges and universities based on their academic merit
E Most people now take for granted that colleges and universities admit students nationally based on academic merit, and it

the correct answer is A, but I chose B.
I have doubt about the structure of A. The subject of the first clause is most people, however, the subject of the second clause is the nationwide admission, shouldn´t the two subjects be the same ?