In the 1980’s the rate of increase of the minority population of the United States was nearly twice as fast as the 1970’s.
(A) twice as fast as
(B) twice as fast as it was in
(C) twice what it was in
(D) two times faster than that of
(E) two times greater than
You had explained why C is the answer and rest are wrong.
So, Does the "it" refer to "THE RATE OF INCREASE OF XYZ?"
[yes, it does. --ron]
1. Hi,Ron,If "it" refer to "the rate of inrease of xyz" in the example above,how can not "it" refer to "the quality of las vegas" in the example below?
The difference between the two examples is the positon of "in the 1980's" and "in 2007".
Maybe "1980's" modify the whole sentece,not "the rate of...",can explain?
2. If "it" can refer to "the air quality of las vegas",can we replace "that" by "it":
the air quality of las vegas in 2007 was higher than it in 1997
Please throw some light on the problems above,thanks.
* the air quality of las vegas in 2007 was higher than that in 1997
note the perfect parallelism
(the air quality of las vegas) (in 2007)
parallel to
(that) (in 1997)