On page 89 of the 5th ed Sentence Correction, under the discussion on Verb Modifiers, the textbook stated that "Infinitives of purpose can be used with unnamed agents in passive-voice sentences" and then gave an example considered as grammatically correct:
The weight was lifted to free my leg.
However, on page 255 under the further discussion on Infinitives, the following sentence was considered "wrong":
The building was demolished to avoid falling down accidentally.
This sentence used passive-voice, right? So what are the structural differences between the two sentences above?
What is more, we know that verb modifiers can be placed more freely than none modifiers; however, I don't know how "freely" can I place the "Infinitives of purpose". For example, on page 255, the following sentence was used to correct the sentence above:
The building was demolished to keep it from falling down accidentally.
Then I'm wondering if the sentence can be changed to the following and still be considered correct:
To keep it from falling down accidentally, the building was demolished .
Or, using the first example, can I change it to:
To free my leg, the weight was lifted.
and still be right?