The few restrictions there are on the advertising of legal services, the more lawyers there are who advertise their services, and the lawyers who advertise a specific service usually charge less for that service than the lawyers who do not advertise. Therefore, if the state removes any of its current restrictions, such as the one against advertisements that do not specify fee arrangement, overall consumer legal costs will be lower than if the state retains its current restrictions
60) If the statement above are true, which of hte following must be true?
A) Some lawyers who now advertise will charge more for specific services if they do not have to specify fee arrangments in the advertisements.
C) If restriction against advertisements that do not specify fee arrangements is removed, more lawyers will advertise their services.
D) If more lawyers advertise lower prices for specific services, some lawyers who do not advertise will also charge less than they currently charge for those services
E) If the only restrictions ont eh advertising of legal services were those that apply to every type of advertising, most lawyers would advertise their services.
My comments: It took me 4 minutes to answer. And the reason I got Ans C (the correct ans) right is because I have memorized the answer, having gotten this problem wrong on several occassion in the past.
My Questions: How could i have arranged this information in SHORT HAND and second, could you explain WHY you eliminated other answer choices.
The GMAT often talks about Inverse Proportion. Can you explain how to tackle these question types under Draw Conclusion.