The Diary of Anne Frank tells the true story of a young girl and her family that were hidden during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands by a gentile Dutch couple, though they were eventually discovered.
A. that were hidden during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands by a gentile Dutch couple, though they were eventually discovered
B. that were hidden by a gentile Dutch couple during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, though they were eventually discovered
C. whom a gentile Dutch couple hid during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands but were eventually discovered
D. who were hidden by a gentile Dutch couple during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands but were eventually discovered
E. who were hidden by a gentile Dutch couple during the Nazi
occupation of the Netherlands even though they were eventually discovered.
Source: ManhattanGMAT SC Test
OA given is D. I agree with OA but my doubt is about the "but" in option D.'
I read in most of the questions that the "conjunctions are used to connect two independent clauses." "But" is one of the conjunction. So, in option D "but were eventually discovered" is not an independent clause and so doesn't seem to follow the rule. So, please explain why the usage of "but" in this case is valid.