I'm a little confused on the usage of "that". Just when I think that I understand the usage, I get a question where the logic goes out the window. I have a few examples below that might help clairfy my question.
So from what I know -- a "that" is followed by a clause. But in certain situations, I don't understand why we skip the "that" part and go directly to the intended meaning.
Example 1:
1) Persuade Jon to do the dishes. (Correct)
2) Persuade that Jon do the dishes.
Example 2:
1) Confidence that the economy will avoid(Correct)
2) Confidence in the economy to avoid
Example 3:
1) Company requires that the employees be screened...(Correct)
2) Company requires the employees to be screened...
Example 4:
1) Believed people to be great(correct)
2) Believed that people are great