Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
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Test Taking Options & Time Management

by WillH615 Wed Oct 21, 2020 6:12 pm

Hi! I am hoping to take the GMAT for a second time mid-November in the SF Bay Area. I went to schedule it earlier this month and noticed almost no available test dates. In fact, there weren't many available for the next 3-4 months at test centers. Most of the available test dates were much earlier than I'd like 1-2 weeks out rather than 1 month out. This leaves me with the choice of going to a test center at a non-optimal day/time or taking the online test.
    - Do you have suggestions on updating the MPrep time management strategy/white board structure for the online test as we don't have yellow pads?

    - Why are no test dates available? It seems weird that I have 3-6 days to choose from over the next three months

    - Is the online test viewed any differently by schools?

ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Test Taking Options & Time Management

by StaceyKoprince Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:18 pm


No, the online exam is not viewed any differently by schools. Don't worry at all about taking it that way.

We have updated both our blog posts and YT videos to address the fact that you get a combination of an online whiteboard and a physical whiteboard (but not the yellow pad) for the online exam.

The blog post:
(Note: The title does still just refer to the online whiteboard, but I updated the info and strategy within based on the fact that we do now get a physical whiteboard.)

The YT playlist for the GMAT Online:

The very first video on the playlist is the one that I shot after we learned we could use a physical whiteboard—so it contains the updated strategies for how to use the physical and online whiteboards for the online exam.

There are a couple of different things contributing to the test date issue.
(1) Legit reduced capacity. Most test centers are only able to use every other or every third seat because they have to keep people spaced out further than they used to.
(2) Legit reduced capacity #2. These test centers provide all kinds of tests, not just the GMAT, and some of those tests are first-responder-type tests. Nursing, paramedics, etc. They're getting priority now as they are essential services (all the time, really, but especially during a pandemic).
(3) Everyone's-buying-all-the-toilet-paper reduced capacity. People have been signing up for multiple dates, just in case. Then they cancel some of the dates. So this is why you're seeing dates in the next week or two but not in a month or two—because people aren't canceling a specific date until pretty close to that time. (CR problem: You get a certain amount of money back when you cancel and that amount gets smaller as you get closer to the test date. In most countries, you get the greatest amount of money back if you cancel 14+ days in advance... :) )

I don't know whether this trend will continue. I'd keep checking in your area to see. But it may be the case that you'll be able to schedule in-person within the couple of weeks before you want to take it, as people cancel exams.

I will add, though, that I think everyone should be *ready* to take it online. This pandemic is going to continue to come in waves and, even if you get an in-person appointment, there's no guarantee that the test center is actually going to be open on that date. Prepare both ways / be ready for either way so that you give yourself the maximum flexibility possible.

The only* real drawback now to taking it online is that we don't get a break between Q and V (as well as not getting to choose whether to do Q or V first, but that's less of an issue for most people). There is a mental fatigue cost to factor in. You can deal with it, but you've got to be prepared for that (just as you have to prepare for using the online + physical whiteboards vs. the yellow pad).

*Well, and that we can only take it twice online. But hopefully you won't need to take it more than twice anyway. :D
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
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Re: Test Taking Options & Time Management

by SaraF646 Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:19 pm

Interesting questions and answers! Thanks a lot for this useful information as I can't find it
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Test Taking Options & Time Management

by StaceyKoprince Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:34 pm

You're very welcome! :D
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 9363
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:05 am
Location: Montreal

Re: Test Taking Options & Time Management

by StaceyKoprince Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:45 pm

Please note that I deleted the post that used to show before this one and banned the user. I removed a marketing link from that post; afterwards, the user then went back and edited the post to add it again. If you do this, you will be banned from the forums.

We do not allow the forums to be used to market anything.

Also, as a PSA to all students: If you are following proper writing practices in the first place, then you should not need to use a plagiarism checker. Any time you do research on a topic, do not re-use the sentences, or parts of the sentences, that you find in your research sources. Instead, write your own completely new sentences that incorporate a combination of the information that you're finding from multiple research sources and your own thoughts and theories on that topic.

Good luck with your studies!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum