david.khoy Wrote:Thank you very much Tim.
glad it helped.
david.khoy Wrote:Thank you very much Tim.
thanghnvn Wrote:. which has fingerlike projections poking through the opening, called the taste pore, located at the top of taste bud
Why in C, the correct answer, is there no conjuction "and". pls,explain fully.
what is lower level of modifier? pls, help
tim Wrote:a.ganguly, as soon as you invoke the word "each" you indicate that you are now talking about each one rather than the whole group. "each" must be treated as a singular noun, so "each...has" is appropriate..
David, yours is a little tougher because logically D seems like the better construction according to the rules with which we are familiar. Remove the "of which", which is a modifier for "each", and you are left with "each has" in the OA, which looks very much like a run-on sentence (one that could be fixed by changing "has" to "having"). So there is no rule-based explanation. This one is an idiom and you just have to memorize this construction despite how illogical it is..
As an aside, the phrase "each of which" shows up four times in OG12, NEVER as part of a sentence correction problem, and ALWAYS followed by a singular indicative verb..
jp.jprasanna Wrote:Hi - Culd you please explain why D is wrong.. What is the Idiom here? More over D avoids run on because of "each of which having" , which (having) definitely not a verb, so could you please enlighten me with a reason to ELIMINATE D!! Thanks in anticipation...
mclaren7 Wrote:Dear moderators and friends
Taste buds are onion-shaped structures with between 50 and 100 taste cells, each of [u]them has fingerlike projections poking through the opening located at the top of the taste bud called the taste pore.[u/]
A. them has fingerlike projections poking through the opening located at the top of the taste bud called the taste pore
B. them that have fingerlike projections that poke through an opening located at the top of the taste bud, which they call the taste pore
C. which has fingerlike projections poking through the opening, called the taste pore, located at the top of taste bud
D. which having fingerlike projections that poke through an opening, which is called the taste pore, located at the top of the taste bud
E. which have fingerlike projections that are poking through an opening located at the top of the taste bud called the taste pore
BE - SV error
D which having - error
Between A and C, I am stuck. No obvious errors detectable in these 2 options.
RonPurewal Wrote:thanghnvn Wrote:. which has fingerlike projections poking through the opening, called the taste pore, located at the top of taste bud
Why in C, the correct answer, is there no conjuction "and". pls,explain fully.
what is lower level of modifier? pls, help
if you put "and" here (between "called..." and "located..."), you'd have "the opening" -- all by itself -- with two modifiers. that would make no sense; "the opening" doesn't have any meaning by itself.
what's happening in this sentence is that you have "the opening located at the top of the taste bud" -- that's basically one piece -- with a modifier tossed into it.
the modifier is in a rather awkward place, but, try putting it in other places -- there aren't any other places that will work for it.
shivani_magan Wrote:Can we eliminate A because each of them has verb has and the rule says only some of which or each of which is allowed to have a verb . Plz can u ans this , i am extremely confused over sub-group modifiers. Thanks in advance.
hsiang5858 Wrote:Can "located at the top of the taste bud" also modify "taste pore"?
In the example below, "derived from only the finest breed of cow" can modify either "marbled beef" or "Wagyu beef". Therefore, in the structure below, is there a rule to interpret what ", VERBed" modify?
I like the marbled beef, called Wagyu beef, derived from only from the finest breed of cow.