RonPurewal Wrote:NIKESH_PAHUJA Wrote:the moon was formed out of part of the Earth, having perhaps been dislodged
In this case, the adverbial clause refers to the moon or the earth?
and what is the general rule for such cases
"comma + ing" modifier should only be used when:
MODIFIES THE ENTIRE ACTION of the preceding clause, and it APPLIES TO THE SUBJECT of that clause;
one of the following is true:
(1) the "ing" action is
SIMULTANEOUS with, and SUBORDINATE to, the main action;
i ran down the sidewalk, flapping my arms wildly(2) the "ing" action is a
i got a 100 on the most recent exam, bringing my average up to 91--
since COMMA + -ING clauses are automatically attributed to the SUBJECT of the preceding clause, this modifies the moon.
as it clearly should, in context.
also note that it applies not only to that subject, but to the
entire action of that clause (this is what makes it "adverbial").
Hi Ron,
I want to double check whether COMMA+ING can only modify the entire clause. Does that mean COMMA+ING cannot modify the closest NOUN ?
Well, I just saw a sentence in OG.
In a plan to stop the erosion of East Coast beaches,the Army Corps of Engineers proposed building parallel to shore a breakwater of rocks that would rise six feet above the waterline and
act as a buffer,absorbing the energy of crashing waves and protecting the beaches.
The underlined part is OA. I understand why we choose the option here (parallel to 'protecting') . What confused me is what ',absorbing the ...and protecting...' modifies? It it the whole clause ' the Army ....proposed a buffer ' ( I guess not )
or the clause ' that (breakwater) would rise ... as a buffer' ?
And is it a case of 'immediate consequence' or 'simultaneous action' ? I think it is more like a purpose/ function, so why we can use COMMA+ING here? Well, I know OA is always right:)
And double check, ' absorbing ...and protecting...' does NOT(and CANNOT) modify 'buffer', right?
Thank you very much. I am really confused about COMMA+ING ...