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* Subject Verb Agreement: Newton Laws........HELP!

by blinky247 Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:39 pm

In Newtonian laws of motion, there is a condition and it's converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion

A) there is a condition and it's converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion
B) there is a condition and its converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion
C) there are a condition and its converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion
D) there are a condition and it's converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion
E) there has been a condition and its converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion

OA is C.

I picked B, can the OA possibly be correct? The fact that most people act like C is the obvious answer on many forums further confuses me. HELP PLEASE!
Ben Ku
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Re: Subject Verb Agreement: Newton Laws........HELP!

by Ben Ku Tue Nov 24, 2009 7:27 pm

Please cite the source (author) of this problem. We cannot reply unless a source is cited (and, if no source is cited, we will have to delete the post!). Thanks.
Ben Ku
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Re: * Subject Verb Agreement: Newton Laws........HELP!

by mikrodj Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:07 pm

yeap C is correct.

IMO here is way B is incorrect

"In Newtonian laws of motion,there is a condition" is an independent clause; therefore what comes after "and" must be another independent clause.

"its converse regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion"

Here you don't have a verb, so it cannot be a clause.