Dear Mr or Ms Instructors,
Two days ago, I did my third GMAT, and I got a always good math score 50, but always weak verbal score 20. I felt devastated and stressed for a super low verbal score. I did a very deep reflexion on the verbal part: I have extremely low score on CR, according to enhanced score report, my CR score is better than 0% of GMAT exam scores recorded in the past three years. I am wondering if my brains works out in the different way from those of other people.
Let me introduce my study plan for my last exam (CR) so that you can easily spot my mistakes and thus help me prepare for the next exam better. I read almost books recommended from GMAT blog: Manhattan CR and Bible, and I did OG 16, 15, 13 and 12 (both verbal and integrated books), and a collection of prepgmat CR (in the most time, I did 20 questions in a session in at most 40 minutes). I was able to understand the passages and apply strategies to find the answers. I have a error log in which I classified all questions according to their question types. Before the exam, I tried to summarize the logic in each type (for example, in the passage the author proposes a plan to deal with some problems, if the question is weaken type, what types of answers will be) . Unfortunately, I got a very low score in this part, and I do not know very well how to train my brain to think logically.
Could you give me any light to help me overcome it?
Tons of thanks in advance
Best regards, Song