I'm glad to hear that you're finding our materials helpful! I might be biased, but I do think they're pretty good.
And I fully agree that everyone should start out with Foundations of Math**, even if you have a STEM degree, are an engineer, loved math in school, whatever. The way you need to think about math on the GMAT (and in a business context!) is
really different than how we all learned math in school. **Our FoM program is entirely 100% free, by the way, for anyone reading this!
When you're sitting in a business meeting trying to figure out whether we're going to make our sales projections this month (or whatever the topic might be), nobody's going to start writing equations or pull up a calculator. People are just going to eyeball, estimate, have a rough idea of what's going on with the numbers—and then use that understanding to start figuring out strategy.
But you can't think logically about math like that without good practice—and that practice needs to start all the way from the foundations. And that's why we built our Foundations of Math program from the bottom up to help you learn to think logically about quantitative concepts. That's what you'll be doing on the GMAT...and in business school...and in the boardroom, one day!