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standard rule for using greater than Vs more than

by I Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:29 pm

Are there any standard rules for choosing between greater than and more than?
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by StaceyKoprince Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:35 pm

I assume you're talking about grammar rules? I'll move this to the general verbal section - make sure to post in the appropriate section next time.

"greater than" is used for uncountable nouns. "more than" is typically used for countable nouns (though you can also say something like "She likes Sam more than Amy" - but that construction doesn't show up much on the test).

So: "The population density of calico cats in San Francisco is greater than three per square mile" (here, the word we're describing is "density," which is not a countable noun - you wouldn't say "1 density, 2 densities, 3 densities...")

vs: "I have more calico cats living in my home than you do." (here, we're describing "cats," which is a countable noun because you would say "1 cat, 2 cats, 3 cats...")
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum

by I Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:05 pm

Then how come it is used differently on this question

Thanks for your help.

UNANSWERED:standard rule for using greater than Vs more than

by Guest Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:37 pm

Please clarify
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by RonPurewal Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:35 am

the best rule i've found is to test the legitimacy of placing "greater" BEFORE the noun (i.e., as an adjective), vs. the legitimacy of placing "more" BEFORE the noun (i.e., as an adjective). if it works as an adjective, then it should also work in the construction you're describing here.

in this problem, which i'm sure is the problem that prompted your query in the first place, you can clear up the issue of "numbers are greater than..." vs. "numbers are more than..." by doing this inversion:

the gyrfalcon has greater numbers --> this is ok
the gyrfalcon has more numbers --> this doesn't make sense

therefore, "greater" is the preferred version.

try this if you ever run into this issue again; it will almost certainly work.
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by divineacclivity Fri Jun 06, 2014 2:06 am

[Edited to replace BirdA with BirdsA so as to make it sound plural]

Thank you very much for your wonderful explanations always.

I have a follow-up query on this particular kind of comparison:
The comparison of more and greater triggers the following question in my mind:
Are the following sentences correct?

1) A pen costs more than a pencil.
2) The cost of a pen is greater than that of a pencil.
3) BirdsA are more numerous than birdsB in countryX.
4) BirdsA are more in number than birdsB in country.
5) BirdsA are more than birdsB in country.

Please explain your answer(s).
Thank you very much in advance.

RonPurewal Wrote:the best rule i've found is to test the legitimacy of placing "greater" BEFORE the noun (i.e., as an adjective), vs. the legitimacy of placing "more" BEFORE the noun (i.e., as an adjective). if it works as an adjective, then it should also work in the construction you're describing here.

in this problem, which i'm sure is the problem that prompted your query in the first place, you can clear up the issue of "numbers are greater than..." vs. "numbers are more than..." by doing this inversion:

the gyrfalcon has greater numbers --> this is ok
the gyrfalcon has more numbers --> this doesn't make sense

therefore, "greater" is the preferred version.

try this if you ever run into this issue again; it will almost certainly work.

Thank you very much for your wonderful explanation as always.
I meant to convey birds in plural only, so, I've that changed my previous post to "birds A/B".
I get your point; thanks a tonne.
Last edited by divineacclivity on Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Re:

by RonPurewal Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:13 pm

#1 and #2 are ok.

#3 is ok if you change "bird A/B" to plural forms (since you wrote "are").

#4 is redundant.

You're unlikely to see #5 ("x is more than y") in any official sentences.
The following usages are ok:
"- "Besides y, there are additional components to x" (Human thought is more than information processing; it also incorporates emotions and intuition at every step.)
"- " more than [adjective/description]" (This apartment building is more than 100 years old.)
If x and y are quantities, you'll see "x is greater than y".
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Re: Re:

by divineacclivity Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:01 am

RonPurewal Wrote:#1 and #2 are ok.

#3 is ok if you change "bird A/B" to plural forms (since you wrote "are").

#4 is redundant.

You're unlikely to see #5 ("x is more than y") in any official sentences.
The following usages are ok:
"- "Besides y, there are additional components to x" (Human thought is more than information processing; it also incorporates emotions and intuition at every step.)
"- " more than [adjective/description]" (This apartment building is more than 100 years old.)
If x and y are quantities, you'll see "x is greater than y".

Thank you very much Ron for your impressive explanations as always. I meant to convey birds in plural; for better clarity, I've changed 'birdA/B' to 'birdsA/B'.
I get you point; thanks a bunch.
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Re: Re:

by RonPurewal Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:46 am

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Re: standard rule for using greater than Vs more than

by rohit.manglik Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:53 am

Hi Stacey/Ron,

Can we say that Percentage, Amount and NumberS should have greater than; and Number and Double should have more than? Also "times" in itself doesn't determine the usage of "More than" and "greater than".

Thanks in Advance :)
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Re: standard rule for using greater than Vs more than

by RonPurewal Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:11 pm

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Re: standard rule for using greater than Vs more than

by RonPurewal Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:12 pm

'number' is a numerical quantity, so it will normally take the same sorts of modifiers as would 'percentage', 'amount', etc.
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Re: standard rule for using greater than Vs more than

by ZHANGH946 Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:55 pm

Hi, Ron . I am sorry I am not a native English speakers and I can not understand why
" the gyrfalcon has greater numbers" is ok
but" the gyrfalcon has more numbers " doesn't make sense

Please explain your answer(s).
Thank you very much in advance
Sage Pearce-Higgins
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Re: standard rule for using greater than Vs more than

by Sage Pearce-Higgins Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:07 am

Check out this thread and write a question there if it's still not clear: ... html#p6303