I have studied for the GMAT in the past over a
period of several months and took the test only
to receive a disappointing score. I quit studying
for the GMAT for a year and now I am going to
take another stab at it again and hopefully do
I have started out with Critical Reasoning and have
timed myself. I read in the section in the MGMAT book,
do the problems in the MGMAT and review them,
and then do the questions in the OG that pertain to
that section (Find the Assumption, Draw a Conclusion,
etc.) and review them. For me to read the passage
and do a sketch it takes me on average 2:10. If the
passage is short and I can easily understand it I can
do it in around 1:30. After I read through the question
and answers and then select an answer I am usually
around 3:23. After all this though there is no
guarantee that I will get the answer right.
My first question is should I even be diagramming it,
which seems to help me comprehend it better, even if it
takes so long? Me second question is should I
first try to work on getting the answer right or completing
the problem in under 2 minutes? Thank you.