herogmat Wrote:StaceyKoprince Wrote: B violates a little known thing that the GMAT writers follow though it is not an official grammar rule - more a choice. It introduces a subject pronoun before the noun itself. Subject pronouns and nouns can be directly interchanged; as such, the test writers prefer to use the noun first and then later use a subject pronoun (if necessary). Note that I am specifically limiting this to subject pronouns, not object or possessive pronouns. Most people read a subject-pronoun-first situation as "awkward" though they don't really know why.
Is this the only reason to eliminate B ? Can we take subject-pronoun-first as a valid rule ALWAYS in GMAT ?
what stacey is saying here is all true, but there is a much easier way to eliminate that choice: it tries to use a clause starting with "because" as a subject. that is NEVER allowed.
i.e., you can't say "because SUBJECT VERB ... is ...". this sentence is trying to use "(simply) because it is genetically engineered" as a subject.
in fact, you cannot use ANY clause starting with a conjunction (either a coordinating or subordinating conjunction -- look these up if you need to refresh yourself on what they are) as a subject. ever.