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by a.amitgarg
Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:10 am
Forum: Manhattan Prep GMAT Non-CAT Math
Topic: Challenging question 10/28/2002
Replies: 1
Views: 1197
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Challenging question 10/28/2002

Question: 10/28/02 Question The function f(n) = the number of factors of n. If f(pq) = 4, what is the value of the integer p? (1) p + q is an odd integer (2) q < p (A) Statement (1) alone is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient. (B) Statement (2) alone is sufficient, but statemen...
by a.amitgarg
Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:47 am
Forum: Manhattan Prep GMAT Non-CAT Math
Topic: challenging question 05/23/05
Replies: 1
Views: 1083
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challenging question 05/23/05

In the explanation, the possible values of p is considered as 0 < p < 100 which is incorrect since p cannot be greater than 6: Reason being Revenue is p(6-p) thousands and anything greater than 6 would mean negative Revenue. IMO, probability should be calculated with possible values of p as 0&...
by a.amitgarg
Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:27 pm
Forum: Manhattan Prep GMAT CAT Verbal
Topic: The Cotton Gin - Question from Question Bank
Replies: 25
Views: 6357
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Re: The Cotton Gin - Question from Question Bank

Please explain why D is correct... don't we have a rule that says: <subject> .... <parallel marker> <pronoun> => pronoun points to subject. so called Correct answer choice D has this mistake <The invention>.... <whereas> <it> => it points to "the invent...
by a.amitgarg
Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:04 am
Forum: Ask an mbaMission Admissions Consultant
Topic: MBA with healthcare and private equity goals
Replies: 3
Views: 1163
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MBA with healthcare and private equity goals

GMAT : 750 (Q50,V41) Work experience: 11 yrs in IT consulting for clients in healthcare reimbursement space Undergraduate: IIT (top Engineering school in India) Target programs in order of preference: Wharton EMBA Haas EWMBA Duke Full-time MBA in HCM Columbia EMBA is it advisable to write goals essa...
by a.amitgarg
Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:46 am
Forum: Ask an mbaMission Admissions Consultant
Topic: MBA with healthcare and private equity goals
Replies: 3
Views: 1163
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Re: MBA with healthcare and private equity goals

Daniel, thanks for your reply. Quick question.. is it ok to spin my goal essay around switching from healthcare IT to healthcare PE. Though the industry is same - Healthcare but i am looking for a function shift from IT to Private equity. Is that kind of story advisable to write in the goals essay o...
by a.amitgarg
Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:05 am
Forum: Ask an mbaMission Admissions Consultant
Topic: Defer enrollment in one school and applying in other
Replies: 1
Views: 976
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Defer enrollment in one school and applying in other

I accepted admission offer from school X and deferred enrollment for six months. I am applying in other school Y and need to have an early decision so that I can know the result from Y before the enrollment starts at X. Now I have to give a reason to school Y for an early decision. Will disclosing t...