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by vijaykumar_ntpc
Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:51 pm
Forum: Manhattan Prep GMAT CAT Verbal
Topic: SC: parallelism
Replies: 24
Views: 8298
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Re: SC: parallelism

Orange08 Wrote:I read somewhere that "due to" has to be replaced by "caused by" and not "because of".
Is my understanding for the definition of "due to" correct? If so, only option B is left as correct answer.
Please clarify.

A is the correct answer
by vijaykumar_ntpc
Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:08 pm
Forum: Manhattan Prep GMAT CAT Verbal
Topic: SC: parallelism
Replies: 24
Views: 8298
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Re: SC: parallelism

Originally developed by ancient Hawaiians, surfing appeals to people due to the sport’s unusual confluence of adrenaline, skill, and high paced maneuvering, an unpredictable backdrop that is, by turns, graceful and serene, violent and formidable, and the camaraderie that often develops among people...
by vijaykumar_ntpc
Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:01 pm
Forum: Manhattan Prep GMAT CAT Verbal
Topic: manhattan test questtion
Replies: 6
Views: 2526
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Re: manhattan test questtion

their is the correct use for goverments.
leading is concurrent to first clause.
this /which is ambiguous ,it is not clear whether it refers to liabilities or first clause.
so, D is the correct .
by vijaykumar_ntpc
Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:00 pm
Forum: Manhattan Prep GMAT CAT Verbal
Topic: With her archaeologist husband, travels inspired several
Replies: 5
Views: 2983
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Re: With her archaeologist husband, travels inspired several

With her archaeologist husband, travels inspired several mystery novels by Agatha Christie ; travelers to Egypt can still stay at the Old Cataract Hotel, the model for the hotel in one of Christie's most famous books. a) With her archaeologist husband, travels inspired several mystery novels by Aga...
by vijaykumar_ntpc
Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:19 pm
Forum: Manhattan Prep GMAT CAT Math
Topic: Circular Track
Replies: 12
Views: 6095
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Re: Circular Track

perimeter of the track 20pie in 10 hours B travelled 20 distance between A and B when A starts 20p-20 relative speed =2+3=5 time taken to complete 20p-20; when both meet each other=(20p-20)/5 time taken to travel 12 after meeting when both are going in opposite direction=12/5 total time of A=(20p-20...
by vijaykumar_ntpc
Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:24 am
Forum: Manhattan Prep GMAT CAT Verbal
Topic: According to criminologists, the cause
Replies: 2
Views: 1280
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Re: According to criminologists, the cause

answer is B
1) modifier, the cause of is placed appropriately and separated by comma.
2) being and rebelling are parallel.