by rfernandez Fri May 30, 2008 5:26 am
Personally, I do not use a progress grid to keep track of my time. If you've been practicing under time constraints throughout, you should have a good feel for what 2 minutes is for the quant questions. This allows me to "check in" on my timing at the end of every 5 questions. So at the start of question 6, I should be about 10 minutes into the exam, at the start of question 11, I should be about 20 minutes into the exam, etc. If I'm falling behind, I tell myself to speed up on the next set of 5 questions so that I can get back on track.
For verbal, I check at the end of every 8 questions. I should be spending about 15 minutes per 8-question chunk.
Also, to clarify a point from an earlier post: you're given a wet-erase marker, not a dry-erase one. It makes a big difference, since you can't just wipe something off with your hand if you want to erase it. I guess you could use saliva, but that's gross. You're better off practicing with a laminated, quad-ruled legal pad (available at our website) with the same wet-erase marker (also available at our website).