Source: Paper Test Code 55, Section 6 Question 8
8. Contrary to the scholarly wisdom of the 1950’s and early 1960’s that predicted the processes of modernization and rationalization would gradually undermine it, ethnicity is a worldwide phenomenon of increasing importance.
(A) would gradually undermine it
(B) to be a gradual undermining of it
(C) would be a gradual undermining of ethnicity
(D) to gradually undermine ethnicity
(E) gradually undermining it
My question here is why D/E is wrong here. Is their a rule or something that Predict always has to be accompanied by Would/Will?
What I have generally read in news paers are sentences such as : Dollar is Predicted to become stronger against rupee. Holding predicted Australia to win the world cup.
Are these sentences wrong? They are not direct from the newpaper but what I am able to recall.
Please clarify
Saurabh Malpani