violetwind Wrote:Hi Ron,
OG 12 also have this SC problem and the explanation saying that the sentence needs to clarify the sequence by presenting different verb tence.
In this sentence, "falling the last two years" should happen before "making a first 3-month profit",So if we don't use "falling" ,instead we want a complete clause, what tense should we use, simple past ?
first -- in general, you shouldn't try to do this.
don't try to fix sentences!even though this section of the test is called, ironically, "sentence correction", you
do not need to be able to fix the sentences; you only need to be able to select the correct answer choice from the choices given.
trying to fix the sentences is an irrelevant skill set; if you do too much of this, it will distract you from the skill set that you actually need. moreover, most users' attempts to fix sentences create numerous other errors, many of which are outside the scope of what is tested on the gmat.
i don't see an easy way to replace "falling" with a complete clause here. (the reasons are not tested on this exam.)
Is "falling" here is a participle or a gerund?
it's not a modifier, so it must be a gerund.
will "after having fallen" make more sense here?
"after having VERBed" is, in general, a redundant construction -- the word "after" is already there, so "having" doesn't contribute anything.
if you see this construction, you should generally be able to replace it with "after VERBing". it's possible that there are exceptions, but i can't think of any at this time.