kritika.singhal1 Wrote:In his eagerness to find a city worthy of Priam, the German archaeologist Schliemann cut through Troy and uncovered a civilization a thousand years older as was the city Homer’s heroes knew.
A.older as was the city Homer’s heroes knew
B.more ancient than the city known to Homer’s heroes
C.older than was the city known to Homer’s heroes
D.more ancient of a city than Homer’s heroes knew
E.older of a city than was the one known to Homer’s heroes
( score 800 question, I am not sure if it is a banned source)
Answer is B. I am confused between C and D.
For this one, we have a comparison. The civilization was a thousand years older "than" the city known by Homer's heroes. So what is being compared? The civilization and the city.
C) has improper wording
" . . . a civilization a thousand years older than was the city"
right after "than" we need another noun comparable to "civilization". We need "city" here, not "was".
D) improper wording and comparison
"more ancient of a city" is very poorly worded
"more ancient of a city
than Homer's heroes knew" is not comparing the civilization and the city. We would need the "than" to be in the middle of "civilization" and "city" to be actually comparing the two.