aditya8062 Wrote:i somehow find this bold portion confusing .i have seen your videos in which you have talked of parallelism with "AND" .is "comma +AND" not suppose to follow parallelism when it is joining two independent clauses ?
From a brief google search, I conclude that "independent clause" is just a fancy term for "complete sentence". So, it seems you're talking about
(complete sentence), and (complete sentence)
I don't know the terminology, so, sorry if this is not actually the issue you're talking about.
Basically, the deal with the construction above is this:
"- As long as the two sentences are actually complete sentences, that's good enough to be considered "parallel".
"- The two sentences should be structured as much like each other as possible, without distorting the intended meaning.
Professional photographers snapped pictures with their expensive cameras, and amateurs recorded video clips with their smartphones.
Professional photographers used their expensive cameras to snap pictures, and amateurs used their smartphones to record video clips.
Both of these are optimally parallel. (In the first one, both are "PERSON did Y thing with X equipment." In the second one, both are "PERSON used X equipment to do Y thing.")
A sentence that mixes these forms"”e.g., Professional photographers snapped pictures with their expensive cameras, and amateurs used their smartphones to record video clips"”is inferior to the ones above. It's not ungrammatical, but it's objectively worse than the examples in which the two parts are actually written the same way.