RonPurewal Wrote:SC312 Wrote:Ron,
Can you explain the difference and the use of the "which" and the appositive modifier "photos" here ?
Also, in the current problem, is the use of any one of two modifiers preferable than the other one. ?
they both seem ok to me.
(the use of "which" here is similar to that in OG12 #26; check it out. that problem proves that GMAC is ok with using "which" to refer to noun+prep phrase.)
Ron Sir,
OG12#26, I think this is the problem that you are referring to.
Click Here. but I think the case there was of singular and plural. This i from my notebook + a link to other forum where you was active couple of years back -
COMMA + which +
singular verb must refer to the NEAREST PRECEDING SINGULAR NOUN.
COMMA + which +
plural verb must refer to the NEAREST PRECEDING PLURAL NOUN
However the theory that would be applicable to the current question will be this one,
Other Forum Linkhere's the basic summary:
if you have "X + preposition + Y, which..."
* if Y works (in terms of both grammar and common sense) as the antecedent of "which", then "which" should stand for Y.
* if Y doesn't work as the antecedent, but "X + prep + Y" DOES work, then "which" can stand for "X (+ prep + Y)". ... t6529.htmlWhile searching for "OG12#26" I also stumbled upon
thisMy Question is this rule "X + preposition + Y, which..." also applicable for "