manassingh Wrote:you should process the sentence like this:
Fossils of
a whale that beached on an African shore more than a million years ago and was subsequently butchered by hominids have been recovered by paleontologists
The text in green and red are parallel ?
here's the post you're trying to quote:
you're highlighted the wrong parts of the sentence; note in particular that "that" is NOT included in my analysis of that parallelism.
the parallel structures are "beached ..." and "was ... butchered ...", which are both verbs. "that" isn't part of the parallel structure.
(one of these verbs is in active voice while the other is in passive, but voices, like tenses, are a function of meaning and are irrelevant to grammatical parallelism.)
in the future, you should use the "Quote" button to quote posts; not only is it much easier, but doing so will automatically preserve all the boldface, italics, underlines, etc. in the post that you're quoting (thus preventing transcription errors like this one). if there is excess material that you don't want to quote, just delete it from within the quote.