Verbal question you found somewhere else? General issue with idioms or grammar? Random verbal question? These questions belong here.

SC (embryo development)

by Vignesh Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:11 pm

Post deleted, as source was not cited.

Re: SC (embryo development)

by viksnme Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:29 pm

Vignesh, you will probably be asked to mention the source of the problem by the tutors.

The differentiating factor is the omission of the word 'the' after 'found'. If the sentence were - have found the one one of the substances, removing the prepositional phrase - of the substances - would make sense. In that case the singular verb, tells, would have been correct.
In the original sentence, however, after removing the prepositional phrase, the remaining sentence - have found one that tell - is illogical hence a plural verb, tell, is required to go with plural word substances.

You can find similar discussion in the following thread. That may explain better. ... t2091.html
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by esledge Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:49 pm

Can you please post the source of this question? Unless we can verify the source as legitimate/allowed, this thread will be deleted. See the "sticky" post for a list of allowed and banned sources.

In the future, please post multiple choice questions in their respective folders, as this folder is only for general questions.
Emily Sledge